Kath’s Fair Isle Wrist-Cuffs - Knitting Kit

The Knit Knacks

Kath’s Fair Isle Wrist-Cuffs Knitting Kit

Pattern Included | Fair Isle Knitting

If you are looking for a fun but quick knit and want to practice your Fair Isle knitting, then look no further! This kit comes with 3 colours of beautiful British Wool and a simple to read chart pattern for a classic Fair Isle design. This is the perfect gift for someone that either you can knit for them or to give to an avid knitter.

Our exclusive kits include:
3 balls of British Wool
The exclusive pattern

For this project you will also need a set of 2.75mm and 3.25mm Double Pointed Needles, Stitch Marker and a sewing up needle.

Monica Russel’s patterns are easy to follow, with simple instructions written out clearly. If you get stuck and are local, please call into the shop and we will be happy to help. If you are from out of town just call or e-mail us, and we will happily give you some guidance..